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Alex Fisher CCO


"When you want to help people, you tell them the truth. When you want to help yourself, you tell them what they want to hear." - Thomas Sowell

"If I have seen further, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants." - Isaac Newton

"Remember, I'm pulling for ya! We're all in this together..." - Red Green

Personal Profile

My Grandfather, Ossie Fisher, who founded Professional Investments (circa 1984), started teaching me what compound interest was when I was in diapers. 30 years later, I'm happy to report I no longer need the diapers!

I am proud to be carrying on the family business into its third generation.


I began my career at 19 years of age in April of 2010; interestingly, the same month my Grandfather celebrated 50 years in the business!

My commitment, to my clients and to myself, is to continue to carry out my Dad and Grandfathers exceptional service-based practices and way of business: we earn TRUST by acting with INTEGRITY to provide professional SERVICE.

It is my role to help you. Consider me the teacher of a course that we all should have been able to take in High School, if only it had been available. I am confident I can provide you with clarity and assist in the process of implementing your future.

I was born for this and am HERE when you need me!


  • Provide the education and resources to individuals, families and business to assist in planning and investing for life
  • NO COOKIE CUTTER approach

Contact Fisher CCO