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Tony Lazzaro

Personal profile

“Experience proves that Balance, Diversification, Time and Good management are the recipe for successful investing”

So true, with helping and enjoying the accomplishments with my clients and includes everything I personally try to accomplish in my everyday living.

I enjoy being active, coaching minor hockey and having lots of giggles, laughs, hugs and kisses with family and friends.


Investment Process

 -understanding your financial goals, obstacles and interests

Investment Beliefs

 -maintain objectivity, manage risks, and tax-smart investing


Dementia  Friendly Professional

We know, given the aging population, this will occur with some clients. Advancing age is the number one risk factor for such conditions as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease

I create a safe and trusted practice / environment to prepare my clients along with family members in dealing challenges with financial management.


-Registered Retirement Savings -RRSP’s

-Registered Retirement Income-RRIF’s

-Locked-In Retirement Accounts-LIRA’s

-Tax Free Savings Accounts-TFSA’s

-Non-Registered Investments/Savings

Insurance Plans

-Life, Disability and critical Illness

- Long Term Care

- Segregated Funds and Life Annuities


"We plan the creation, enjoyment and transfer of multi-generational wealth, for motivated people."



Contact Lazzaro